Friday, April 30, 2010

Darwin: An Origin of Species activity

Overview: Hurricane hits the mainland and forces many pollenpeepers offshore islands and struggle to survive. The birds that are well adapted will survive will pass their genes, while those that aren't will wither out.

5mya: Hurricane hits and blows off the pollenpeepers to 3 other offshore lands - Windsor Island, Norcross Island, and Warwick Archipelago.

4mya: Population grows on all 4 lands.

3mya: In mainland, a beak suited better for the environment grows. Food abundance rises and predators (lizards) come ashore on the Norcross.

2mya: Mainland habitat becomes more lush, providing more food for the environment. On Windsor Island, some move back mainland. On the Warwick Archipelago, population diversifies

1mya: Mainland - mainland and Windsor birds interbreed.
Warwick Archipelago - lowland forest population begins feeding on nectar. Immigrants come to the Windsor Island and Norcross.

Present: Windor Island - short blunt beaks become obsolete. Norcross - some specialize in seedeaters.

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